Eating a snow mobile, one drop of oil at a time
In my quest for good health and not to be a burden on my family, I have been looking at oddball research. Well not really oddball, but...

Fish for tea Sacagawea
Do you ever wake up with a weird name floating around your brain? My weird, middle of the night, name has always been Sacagawea. Before...

Fleaing refugees and flowers
When you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas. Oh okay, I don't have a dog but I do have three cats and I decided that fleas were...

Farewell to the Hero
Barry always said that he wanted to go to Heaven and he finally cashed in his one way ticket and took his place amongst the stars. The...

Two cents' worth of woes
I heard that most people only wear their clothes six or seven times before throwing them on the trash heap. Really? Okay, there is that...

Too sexy for the Harvards
New Zealand's accent has been voted the most sexy in the world and South African as the second most sexy. So what does that mean for me?...

Eggceptionally Blessed
In our lives we have not had many new things to enjoy. Plenty of second hand, hand me down and found on rubbish dump stuff, but nothing...

Cobwebs and guava, laughing and cup cakes
When you get married it is for better or worse. It's one of those promises we make as we stand all dewy eyed at the altar. I remember it...

Fostering Education
A few years ago Barry fostered a cat while its owner was in prison. She had made no arrangements for its care and we ended up with one...

Pearly Pearly Gates
Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief. When we were little we would...