DNA dramas and Halloween
Barry and I often watch those TV shows about searching out your relatives using DNA. The programme finds your long lost second cousins...
Exhibition of excess
Good day, my fellow wanderers, A day to breathe, a day to relax and a day to reflect on my blessings. Well, one out of three is not too...
Exhibition excess
Good day, my fellow wanderers, A day to breathe, a day to relax and a day to reflect on my blessings. Well, one out of three is not too...
Ducklings, seedlings and stuff
We started planting our Summer vegetables this week. Well, when I say 'we', I really mean Barry did the planting and I did the oohing and...
Pool nets and peony pots
Hi folks Yes, we are back from our Pacific island cruise. No, we are not sunburnt and tanned. Our skins do not like the sun very much and...
Sock Angels and volcanoes
Hi All, We went to a wedding at the Temple this week and you have to remove your shoes and put on socks to enter the wedding area. You go...
Pictish Princess Pat
Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we have not danced under the Winter Solstice moon or even cavorted under the Maori New Year Matariki...
Cry me a Volcano
I have a great respect for Arctic explorers. They are seriously nuts of course, but brave nuts. Can you imagine getting frostbite and...
I am cold Father William, the young man said
When the weather forecaster says that the temperature is dropping into single digits, something happens to me and all I want to do is...
Do Bunnies Live Forever
Good day, my fellow humans or facsimiles of such .. and yes, facsimiles is a real word even if my spell check is freaking out and telling...