Lost Cousins and Topsy
How close in relationship does it need to be to be called a cousin? I grew up in a town where I was related to half the people and knew...

Yodelling toads and screws that are loose
Do you know that moment when a friend invites you out for brunch and you have to decide whether to wash your hair quickly or go out...

Russian marching over spiders
My dishwasher has been very naughty and not cleaning the dishes as it should. I have cleaned out the filters and the holes in the...

Drugged wooden giraffes in my living room
Winter is looming and the days are getting shorter and decidedly colder. I have re-stocked my sock drawer and even raided Barry's old...

Of Kings and ghosts and long leggedy beasties, dear Lord preserve us
Tomorrow our level 4 lock down is over. Not that I will be able to do much of anything extra. Not exactly brimming with social...

Easter memories
Tomorrow is Easter Friday and I am doing a 24 hour fast for the world. Yes, truly. No food, and only a little water for a whole day. But...

Balancing act
I decided that it was time to get off my rear end and do some serious exercise this morning. I had purchased a three wheeler bike a while...

St Patrick's green avocados and such
I have 27 avocado pear trees growing in my compost bin. All those times that I have tried to grow an avo tree from a pip, with limited...

Swans and wasps, jawbones and scones
I don't like killing animals. And yet I love eating meat. I suppose I eat meat as long as I don't personally know the animal to be...

Radioactive seedlings
I know that some of you are going to jump all over me with hobnail boots for what I am about to write. Too bad, don't care. I have heard...