Pictish Princess Pat
Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we have not danced under the Winter Solstice moon or even cavorted under the Maori New Year Matariki...

Cry me a Volcano
I have a great respect for Arctic explorers. They are seriously nuts of course, but brave nuts. Can you imagine getting frostbite and...

I am cold Father William, the young man said
When the weather forecaster says that the temperature is dropping into single digits, something happens to me and all I want to do is...

Do Bunnies Live Forever
Good day, my fellow humans or facsimiles of such .. and yes, facsimiles is a real word even if my spell check is freaking out and telling...

Security Alert
We returned this week from some time in Australia. Aaah I hear you say, 'Why didn't you invite us?' Sorry folks. Maybe next time. So...

Stupid Tax Overpaid
My mom always wanted me to be an accountant. She thought I was good with numbers. Oh, how wrong that would have been. In so so many many...

Edible Nightmares
I heard somewhere that the average human ingests eight spiders in their sleep per year. Well, that did nothing for my insomnia I can tell...

Raindrops are falling on my head
The bug saga continues. This week we were driving to Hamilton when suddenly I saw a huge cockroach crawl out from under the driver's seat...

Let your light shine
A chaplain asked his church council to buy a new chandelier for the chapel. A few weeks later he had heard nothing and so approached the...

Odd bods and solving murders in Zululand
Am I an undiagnosed Autistic? I have all the signs ... messy house, I prefer my own company, don't like social interaction.... actually...