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Do Bunnies Live Forever

Good day, my fellow humans or facsimiles of such .. and yes, facsimiles is a real word even if my spell check is freaking out and telling me to change it. What is with spellcheck sometimes? Perfectly reasonable words are tagged as wrong and others pop up as being correct when they are not. My sister, Jane, once ran a debt collection agency in South Africa. Gladys, a Zulu lady with limited English skills, worked for her and had to put in reports on her clients. One day Jane was reading the report written by Gladys and noted that Mr. Ngedi (names have been changed because I really do not have a clue) had on his report that he was "Heaven God." Thinking that maybe the man had passed beyond the veil of death and was therefore unable to pay his debts, Jane called Gladys in and quizzed her about the meaning. "Oh no." says Gladys "Mr. Ngedi hasn't got the money." She had misspelled the word haven't as heaven and got as God. No problem to Auntie Spellchecker who happily sent Mr. Ngedi to the great beyond and out of the grasp of his creditors.

I was watching a TV show about money personalities this week. Some are savers, some spenders, some givers and mixtures of all in between. This week I worked with a giver. She paints amazing pictures and sells them to collect enough money to travel to South America where she happily disperses the saved money to the poor. She doesn't have two pennies to rub together herself. Works at a low paying job five days a week and all she is worried about is the poor people in some far off country. Lovely lady, but I found myself becoming concerned for her future. "What if" started playing on my mind. What if she got sick and was unable to pay her rent? What if ..........a myriad of silly worries cluttered my mind. But did she worry? Not one bit. She spoke of her great love for her mother, her children, and grandchildren. She spoke about books she had written and the meanings behind her paintings. But not one word about any concern for what the future might hold for herself. I felt quite sorry for my lack of charity for the poor of Colombia and wondered if I could inspire her with my good deeds. What good deed I hear you say? Yup, that was a difficult few moments as I scrambled through my memories of good deeds I had done. Or not done. Nope, I came up blank but I did think of our coffin making endeavour and thought it might sound like a good thing. So I told her that we are making our own coffins and she was so excited because she had visions of making her own coffins .. beautifully painted coffins ... for her mother, her uncles and aunts and various other acquaintances who were in need. Not once did she think of herself. Shucks back to square one in the good deed race. She was so grateful for my company that she wanted to pay for my lunch ... which I declined. I am a bargain hunter money type .... and I had packed my own lunch .. and a bottle of water out of my kitchen tap. But I did thank her for her kind offer. I think the people we meet can feed our energy or drain it. And this lady was definitely feeding my energy.... just when I needed it most.

Yes, folks, Barry's cancer has decided to be naughty and flare up. Prognosis is for 6 months before the effects show themselves and maybe a year to 18 months for his birth certificate to expire. We have had good doctors ...yes, three good doctors with the same prognosis. They have advised us to enjoy the good times, and we will. No good crossing bridges before we get there. We hope to fill our lives with sparklers and bonfires and firework rockets of good memories so that when the dark days come, we can look at the bright moments in life and get strength for the road ahead. We have been advised to change diets to a more vegetarian role but Barry has always been a rabbit in his eating habits, so how much more vegetarian can we get? Our son, Sean, said that even though bunnies only eat vegetarian food, they too do not live forever. Barry knows that the pencil of history has written many good things about his life .. yes, I know, humble to the end! And he has hope that all the bad things in life are only written in pencil and can be erased with repentance. He read an article this morning that had him giggling. It said he was like Captain America. Yes, really. I know he loves his comics but this was strange to say the least. I would have tagged him as Captain Gadget or Mr. Fix it ... but yes, I can see him as Captain America I suppose. Old fashioned values. Looking out for the underdogs and fighting for truth and right to the end. No, I do not plan on buying him a shield and making him wear a weird costume, but at heart, he will always be our Captain Amazing. No folks, that does not mean that I am the female alter-ego of his character. I will remain Super Woman as always! Oh dear, hubris is my going to come back and bite my butt.

Our grandson, Omani, recently found a video of a woman who grows her hair for a wig for a child. I am so proud of Omani for spending the time to find that amazing video. I can just imagine his thought processes wondering how his grandmother's hair is going to benefit someone else .. and then finding something that made us both feel that it was worth it. Troy (our other grandson) asked me if my parents knew him. I told him that not only did they know him, but they loved him dearly. Such sweet spirits in our grandkids. I can feel the influence of my ancestors in my life and now can see it in the lives of my children and grandkids, we really are very rich. We have it all. Aww, what am I getting all sentimental about? It's the fault of those doctors and their horrible MRI machine that showed the cancer in all its gory glory. Thanks family and friends for having my back and being there to lift us up.

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