Merata Kawharu
Merata Kawharu MNZM is a New Zealand Māori writer and academic active in the New Zealand Historic Places Trust and the Māori Heritage Council. Her principal research is on the concept of kaitiakitanga (or guardianship) within Māori culture. - Wikipedia
Moira Kay

Born in New Zealand, Moira Kay worked a successful decade as a mental health nurse until a change in location set her on a writing path. Completing her first Novel – Tracks, in 2015, she spent another year writing the drafts for the other two books in the series to complete the story. - Moira Kay
Christopher Keene

Growing up in the small town of Timaru, New Zealand, Christopher Keene broke the family trend of becoming an accountant by becoming a writer instead. While studying for his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Canterbury, he took the school’s creative writing course in the hopes of someday seeing his own book on the shelf in his favorite bookstores. He is now the published author of the Dream State Saga, as well as his new epic fantasy trilogy, A Cycle of Blades. In his spare time, he writes a blog to share his love of the fantasy and science fiction genres in novels, films, comics, games, and anime. - Christopher Keene
Brynn Kelly

After an award-winning twenty-year career as a print journalist, Brynn Kelly abandoned fact in favor of her first love, fiction.
Now she spends her days in a bubble of delicious words and fiendish plots, writing action-packed romantic thrillers and snappy, quirky romantic comedies. - Brynn Kelly
Lindy Kelly

Lindy Kelly (born 1952) is a children's author, short story writer, playwright and thriller writer who lives in Nelson, New Zealand. She has had 113 adult short stories and 13 children's books published. She has also written plays and poetry, and taught creative writing. - Wikipedia
Toni Kenyon

Literature is littered with turning points. Turning points mark a place of irrevocable change in a story; they build character and shape a person's outlook on life. Here are a few of my own:
Leaving Manchester, England at the age of nearly 9 years to emigrate to New Zealand - Aotearoa - "Land of the Long White Cloud".
Looking into the one open eye of my eldest son, moments after his birth, as he surveyed the world for the first time. In that instant I came to understand the term "A Mother's Love".
Being told by a doctor that my newly born son was "not viable" then watching him stubbornly defy the prognosis and grow into a strong, vibrant young man.
Abandoning an unhealthy lifestyle and rediscovering the joy of the written word.
Realizing the ecstasy of independent living - me, a goldfish and a Jade plant.
Daily walks by the sea - an ever-changing vista which fills the creative well. - Toni Kenyon
Angela Kay Kepler

Angela Kay Kepler (born 1943) is a New Zealand-born naturalist and author.
Paul Kleynhans

Fiona Kidman

Dame Fiona Judith Kidman DNZM OBE (née Eakin, born 26 March 1940) is a New Zealand novelist, poet, scriptwriter and short story author.
Timothy Kilgour
Science fiction

Ian King

Peter King

Rachel King

Russell Kirkpatrick

Russell Kirkpatrick (born 1961, Christchurch, New Zealand) is a geography lecturer and a novelist
Jaxon Knight

A non-binary author from New Zealand, Jaxon spends their days writing the stories they'd like to read and giving queer people of all stripes the happy endings they deserve.
Jude Knight

Elizabeth Knox

Elizabeth Fiona Knox CNZM (born 15 February 1959) is a New Zealand writer.
Shonagh Koea

Koea was born in Taranaki, New Zealand, in 1939, and grew up in Hastings, Hawke's Bay.
Peter Koren