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Patricia Grace
patricia Grace

Patricia Frances Grace DCNZM QSO (born 1937) is a New Zealand Māori writer of novels, short stories, and children's books. - Wikipedia
Cherry Graham
Cherry Graham

Jonquil Graham
Jonquil Graham

I was born in England, raised in coastal Sydney and live in New Zealand. My father was a British soldier and mother was a Kiwi, born into the well-known Washbourn family who came to NZ in the 1850s. After doing the hippie trail across Asia and hitch-hiking around Europe, I knocked on the door of a rundown farmhouse in Golden Bay, New Zealand and married the handsome young man who opened it. We adopted nine children from various countries and fostered many more. - Jonquil Graham
Sherilee Gray
Sherilee Gray-rom

Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn't writing sexy, edgy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of Cadburys Rocky Road chocolate in the other. - Sherilee Gray
Ava Green
Ava Green-rom

Dark Fantasy
Science Fiction
S C Green
SC Green-fan sci f

Pen Name for Steff Green. Other pen name is Steffanie Holmes.
Science fiction
T J Green
TJ Green-fan sci fi

T J Green is the author of Tom's Inheritance and its sequel Twice Born.
She was born in England, but moved to New Zealand 10 years ago, and lives near Wellington with her partner and her cats Sacha and Leia.
She is currently working on the third book in the series, as yet untitled.
When not writing she spends lots of time gardening, reading, practicing yoga, watching films and drinking red wine. And occasionally making short films just for fun. - Prolific Works
Stacy Gregg

As a young girl living in New Zealand Stacy Gregg wanted to be two things when she grew up – a horse rider and a writer. She now considers herself very, very lucky to be both at once!
Charlotte Grimshaw
Charlotte Grimshaw

Charlotte Grimshaw is a daughter of C. K. Stead[1] and a graduate of Auckland University with degrees in law and arts. She worked first in a commercial law firm and then for a criminal barrister, taking part in murder and manslaughter trials, before leaving the law to write fiction. - Wikipedia
Jared Gulian
Jared Gulian - humour

My name is Jared Gulian, and I’m still not entirely sure how I ended up living in paradise.
My partner CJ and I are both expat American city boys, and in 2006 we moved to the Wairarapa valley in New Zealand. We live on 20 acres just outside the the charming wine and olive village of Martinborough, at the bottom of the North Island. - Jared Gulian
Kirsty Gunn
Kirsty Gunn

Kirsty Gunn (born 1960, New Zealand) is a novelist and writer of short stories. - Wikipedia
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