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Make a Change


Art has been part of social change from the beginning. My favourite by far is Banksy.


Your first step is to find artists models. Find out what they did to express their displeasure about social injustice. These should have elements of your own culture as this will make the art more personal and powerful if it has a connection to you the artists.


Once you have found several images that appeal to you whether these are paintings, sculpture or even photos you need to take photos of them or copies and write notes about them. About two A3 pages worth of artist models, their images and what you think of all of them.


Once you have done this you need to create some drawings or mock-ups of what you want to create. Get feedback and make changes to the drawings until you are happy with one of them. You need to keep these images as they are part of the standard.


Now that you have an idea of what you want, go and create it. This can be something small as in a single finished image or a series that then can be used for a portfolio. Depending on your medium and the process there are several art standards that are appropriate for this task.

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