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Well Said Anthology

Why are we doing this Anthology?

My father used to say Well said, O, Toothless One as one of those typical dad jokes.

When my dad was diagnosed for the second time with cancer I knew I wanted to put something out into the world to celebrate my father. My dad is dyslexic like I am but he always supported me in my writing. I'm hoping he will get to see a few of these in the time he has left.

Those judging the entries will be my sister who is my editor and my mother who along with being my Alpha reader is also a writer herself. I will also be part of the judging process and along with my sister will edit the anthology.

When to submit?

Submissions are open from now to the 3oth of September 2020. The Anthology will be published on 11th November 2020.


What are we looking for?

The genre is a bit loose but Science fiction or Fantasy would fit fine with what I'm looking for but I will accept other genres as long as it fits in with the tone of the Anthology. The theme for 2020 is westerns. This could be set in a typical wild west setting or in a totally new frontier. 

If you can fit a nice guy winning and diversity those are things that appeal to me as well.

It will be my family who will be judging the stories as we want to pick stories that either reflect our father or something that would amuse him. So dad jokes allowed. Actually dad jokes encouraged.

Humour is certainly sought after in your piece.

Keep it PG 13. Swearing and sex can be implied but discretion is appreciated. Gratuitous violence is not appreciated though action and adventure are perfectly acceptable.

When it comes to word count anything under 10k is acceptable, though I won't quibble if it goes over a little bit.

I'm not a fan of present tense but I will accept it if it is well written.

I like romance but keep it PG and no love triangles.

Author benefits and rights

You keep all rights. You can also submit already published work. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable and of course, you can publish elsewhere as well with no restrictions. If you gain a place in the anthology you will get a paperback copy of the anthology. You can also order paperback copies at retail price. Each author featured will also get a book cover for any of their own books they wish to self-publish. For longer pieces 5K or more they will get two book covers. We only ask for non-exclusive rights to any story and also remember that once a story is published that you are giving up your first publishing rights and since this anthology isn't offering actual cash you should keep that in mind. I am looking for reprints because of this, as reprints often pay very little and it would be much better if you can get the best price for your story. After all, a lot of work has gone into perfecting your craft.    

Who will we accept submissions from?

As long as the story is primarily in English, pretty much anyone. The internet allows boundaries to be crossed.

Submission requirements

  • Fiction up to 10k words though if it is really good we won't quibble word count

  • We do not accept poetry or non-fiction

  • You can only submit one piece

  • Work must be original and you have the rights to it. In other words, it must be your own story and you retain all author rights to the story.

  • Unlike other places I want it single spaced 12pt Garamond with an indent at the start of a paragraph

  • A title and your name should be in the header

  • Email to with the subject heading Anthology

  • No Fan Fiction

  • Include an Author Bio and a short synopsis for your story

  • No PDF's. Word Docx are preferred

  • Do not put the story in the body of the email, instead have it as an attachment or shared as a link.

Other things to know

I will be the editor. I have an English degree from Auckland University and a diploma of proofreading and editing.

You will be informed of your acceptance in October. If you don't hear from us assume you weren't accepted.

This is not to solicit or sell you any other products. You will not get emails from us spamming you about our other services. EVER.

To check out our previous anthlogies please click on the image below.

Well said front.jpg

© 2017 Nix Whittaker - Reshwity Publishers

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