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Critical Analysis

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

One of the things students struggle with when they are choosing a text to analyse and study is picking what lens they will look at the text with. I thought it was funny that I found this series this week on different lens all focused through the transformers. Lindsay Ellis has some good videos and I'm also a fan of Pop culture detective.

Since a lot of work usually goes into a critical analysis why not make the most of it. The next step after you have completed your critical analysis is to record yourself in a podcast or a video. Just straight video. I suggest getting a good light and a decent mic, or see if your school already has one. You can then use it as an oral text - speech.

Then create a visual essay. Take clips from the film you studied for the critical analysis. Then you can use this for a visual text. If you are super awesome you can hand in the script for the video essay as part of your writing portfolio along with the original critical analysis you had to write.



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