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Holidays and the Hesperus

As a child, my grandmother would tell me to brush my hair, or straighten my clothes because I looked like the Wreck of the Hesperus. No, my grandmother wasn't the child, I was. Anyhow, as I grew up the idea that I might look like a shipwreck did worry me somewhat. There is a poem written by Henry Wandsworth Longfellow about a prideful ship's captain that sailed into a hurricane and killed everyone on board, including his young daughter. The story is that he tied her to the mast to keep her safe, but sadly there was no safety at sea that night. What I found interesting was how Longfellow wrote this poem. He had been writing and then decided to go to bed, but he couldn't sleep, so started writing again and finally at 3 am he finished it. He said that it had almost written itself. Not by line or by word but by whole stanzas. Wow, how awesome would that be? By the way, the poem was written in 1838/39 or thereabouts. No leaning over and switching on the lights to write like I do. No, he would have had to find a lamp or a candle and then bend over with a quill pen in his hand and scratch away. Did his dutiful wife get up and make him a hot brew? Or did she turn over and pull the covers over her head? I know which one I would have been. But with lockdown in our small city, I have been walking around looking like the Wreck of the Hesperus and no doubt my Gran is horrified at my lack of interest in my appearance. Sorry Gran. I am sitting here typing in a pair of track pants that have paint stains and sagging knees. They used to be black trackies but they are now faded into a sad rendition of charcoal. But they are comfortable and I have no expectations of anyone popping around for a visit. I have been editing some of my novels. No, you don't want to read them. They are truly awful. I like stories that stretch my brain to learn something new and sadly my books are like a bad episode of Science Man or David Attenborough trying to write a love story. I wrote 5 novels last year and another one this year and they have been languishing on my computer awaiting editing and updating. I was thinking that I want to leave this world a better place when I go to the great sandbox in the sky, but how do I do that? Do I need to write trash or paint silly pictures? Or should I concentrate on helping others?

Last week it came to crunch time and I decided to make masks for friends and drop them around with a small gift. I went to friend X at 11 am. Another thing Gran taught us, don't go visiting too early. But they were all still in bed. Yup, obviously my morning visit was too early. I had phoned to say I was coming the day before and they were more than eager to see me. They insisted that I come inside, which technically is not allowed in lockdown. I am fully vaxed and was masked up, so why not as long as no one got too close. Mmmm. Alright, I can see the flaws in my plans in hindsight. Anyhow, they had two large cages in the lounge filled with Rosellas and Parakeets. I asked about the birds, who wouldn't? Apparently they are looking after them while the owner is in prison for an extended stay. Would that qualify them as Jail Birds? But, as I watched, the son fed them and told me that when they first received them into their care, the birds were extremely scared because the Offender owner used to smack the cage for his own amusement. They expected the same treatment from Richard (friend's son) but he is a nice guy and now the birdies just love him to bits. Such gentleness and kindness. He named them all for me. 'This is Sarah, she likes to talk when things aren't right.' He tickled her feathers and she leaned into his hand. He went through each bird, and there were ten of them, telling me of their character traits and giving them each a cuddle. Now, that is making life a better place. A simple act of service but it affected me so much. I went there thinking that I would be ministering to their needs and they changed things up and I left feeling I owed Richard a much bigger gift than I had left for them. No, I don't plan to take in orphaned animals to feel validated. I think Richard will find it hard to return the birds when said Offender returns. And I am sure I wouldn't enjoy handing over defenseless animals to nasty people.

That reminded me of my husband and one of the offenders he worked with. His particular offender had left her kitten to languish in her home when she was taken away for a long stay at Her majesty's facilities. It was only because of his actions that the kitten was saved. Should I rush out and save discarded kittens to make my mark on the world? Well, that sounds nice. I could quite easily turn into a crazy cat lady. And it's no use smiling at people in the supermarket, because they can't see it behind my mask. Although that also means they cannot see the scowl when they are idiotic. I was in a queue this week to collect my granddaughter's birthday present and there were seriously lots of people wanting to jump the queue and also be given special treatment. I do the Click and Collect by buying things online and then going to the shop to show them the receipt and take my goodies home with me. I find that it is not as pleasurable as cruising along the aisles looking for bargains, but means must and it's the best I can do at the moment. What did I get her? She is six years old and loves make-up, so a small kiddie version of make-up, some hair ties and clips and a fluffy teddy bear that is wearing a unicorn onesie. I also bought some party hats that went down a treat. At the end of the simple outside get-together, her eldest brother collected all the paper hats and then festooned himself with them. I thought he looked like Godzilla ... a colourful Godzilla. Anyhow scowls be gone and I did feel very righteous at having stood in the queue and not yelling at anyone.

But I did read a book this week about ministering to others. For those eager to read what to do to make the world a better place, the book is free for the next few days. Karen E Dimick and the benefit of buying an e-book, is that you don't have to wait in a queue with people who refuse to wear masks. Seriously. Should I have stood there handing out my homemade versions? I was the recipient of a mask angel a few weeks ago when I forgot my mask at home. Hey, maybe that is what I can do? Make the world a safer place with pretty masks. My granddaughter wants ones with kittens on them. A girl after my heart, that's for sure. A furry princess with a magic wand in every smile. And my book about Halloween is also free from Friday 22nd till 26th ... American time. They are both e-books.

Okay enough advertising of books I have written or read. I bought myself some Christmas earrings yesterday. Yup, I am going all girly for the holidays. I have snowflakes and reindeer and even red bows. I think that this year we have to go overboard to brighten all our spirits with good things after the year we have had. Yikes and gadzooks, I am sick and tired of Covid invading our lives. I want Christmas carols sung with gusto and a bit off key. I want fairy lights in trees and a BBQ on the beach. My youngest daughter has finished her degree in Educational Psychology and has worked hard. Her family have sacrificed and the rest of us just need to blow off some steam. No options of hiring a beach cottage as the bank balance is not that robust, but we can certainly dance like no one is watching us. My eldest grandson is going on his first date this week. A ball at his school. I suggested he look at Youtube clips to learn some steps, but no, apparently the school has been teaching them ballroom dancing. Yay. So he feels secure that he will not disgrace himself by stomping all over the young woman's feet. Oh, wouldn't that be nice? A dance with a loved one under the stars? Well, I guess if that is ever to happen, I will have to swap my takky trakkies for something more appropriate. Oh, should I buy a Christmas themed dress? Something decadent? Big flouncy skirt, sparkles and glitter? Come one, work with me on this. What are you going to do that is extraordinary this holiday season? I have bought a large pumpkin for this week and now need to decide what I shall carve. Something to commemorate this year? Heck no. Something to celebrate life and moving forward.



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