Quizical inheritances

Have you ever watched Jeopardy or Tipping Point or the Chase? Where they ask contestants a series of questions? Well, I love the shows, but sadly I often end up shouting at the screen. Is this normal? I have even considered making myself a foam rock to chuck at the people .. I know that is a bit extreme. Sorry. So this young woman gets asked 'Which country did Benito Mussolini control during WW!!?' I didn't even look up from my crocheting to see what she would say because obviously she would know it was Italy ... the reply 'Umm ummm Russia?' Oh, where is that foam rock when I need it? Then 'Who was the drummer in the Beatles rock band?' .... 'Umm umm Rod Stewart?' Barry was pottering around and asked me why I am muttering under my breath words that should never pass a ladies lips. I told him its because the people are idiots and deserve to go home. I sometimes even switch off the TV .. sacrilege! I am tempted to ask them which school they had attended as children so that I can ensure that none of my descendants go anywhere near it. Yes, I know that some of the younger members of the world might not actually know that Ringo Starr was the drummer for the Beatles or that Mussolini was the leader of Italy ... but seriously there are some idiots on these shows. Have I ever been tempted to apply to be a contestant. Oh, heck no. I am useless at so many subjects that I feel quite embarrassed, but at least I am not silly enough to put myself in front of a TV camera to irritate people like me. Ask me a sports question and I would be stumped ... or maths.... or lots of stuff. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be so harsh with the TV programmes or then again, why not. It amuses me no end.
Talking about maths... did I tell you that Barry has been mentoring children with maths difficulties. He really gets a kick out of children suddenly understanding long division or even addition!
Did you see that Glenn Campbell died last week? We watched a programme about his battle with Alzheimers and gee it was sad. At the end of his life he couldn't find the bathroom in his own house. Can you imagine that? His wife was saying that one night he went to find the bathroom and when he got back to their bedroom he was too scared to walk across the dark carpet because he was convinced it was a bottomless pit. Blue bathroom tiles also appear to people with Alzheimers as deep water ... so note to self, do not put blue tiles on my bathroom floor. Not that I think I will get Alzheimers as none of my ancestors has suffered from it .. well except for Auntie Fanny who went doo lallie quite early in her life. Not that I minded. She taught me to crochet. Each morning she would ask us girls if we would like to learn to crochet and I would put up my hand knowing that she had totally forgotten that she had taught me for the past 5 days .. and then she was soooo excited at how good I was at crocheting! I do love a good cheer leader even if it is not totally deserved.
Talking about crocheting, we had an evening of learning to crochet at the Chapel. Not that I needed to learn, but its good fun to chat and click away with the hook into a nice rope of brightly coloured wool. Part of the evening was a bring and brag from our past. I took my wedding dress along. My Gran made the dress for me and I felt really privileged because she had 4 granddaughters and she only made a dress for me. I have cherished it for all these years. But one of the ladies asked me who I was leaving it to in my will. Wow, that blew me away. I had not even thought of that. My siblings and cousin all had bought wedding dresses ... or borrowed. Let me just tell you that my wedding day was not a happy occasion. You know people say your wedding day is the happiest day of your life ... mmmm. No. The only bright points were my wearing a dress made by my Gran and marrying the nicest man in the world. Jane, my older sister wore a dress borrowed from a friend. She had borrowed a dress from our aunt, which needed to be cleaned and sadly some kind lady decided that it needed ironing. Now lace and satin do not like red hot irons ... so at the last possible moment Jane had to borrow a dress from a friend. Jill my younger sister bought a dress and our cousin Deidre did too ... so yes, I am very fortunate to have this beautiful dress to remind me of my Gran. But who to leave it to in my will? Will have to give that some thought.
Better go. Barry has just got back from water blasting a dying friend's front deck which had gotten all slippery over Winter. Yes, it is pouring with rain outside, in fact it was actually hailing a while back, so no, I did not offer to go and hold the hose .... now he is home with icy water dripping off his nose and looking tired out. I will make him a nice mug of hot soup and hope it will revive him so he can join me on the couch as I yell as some hapless quiz contestant.