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Fire Dancing and Frost

We have been in New Zealand for almost 24 years and sometimes I get a little bit keen to see some familiar faces. Not that we don't have good friends here in New Zealand, but oh the joy of seeing someone from my childhood just blows me away. A few friends have visited over the years and I have cried for days after they leave .. much to the eye rolling of my husband... so last week I instigated a visit to some friends that were house sitting about an hour and a half away ... We had not seen Charmaine and Mike for the past 35 years and it was just about time for me to get my familiar faces fix for the year. So off we went on a cold and wet Thursday ... down mist laden valleys and up slippery mud roads .. but two hours of catching up did me a treat and I was happy as Larry! And I didn't even cry because I knew that my fix is just a short ride away. We even made an arrangement to meet up in the near future. Now my long suffering husband is not a social butterfly in any way shape or form, so he indulges these flights of nostalgia of mine with a minimal amount of sighing and eye rolling or complaining about hours in the car ... So imagine my joy when this Thursday .. yes, only a week since my last nostalgia fix, I get an email from a school friend saying she will be in the vicinity and could she drop in. Drop in? Heck no, I almost rolled out the red carpet, except for the fact that I do not own a red one ... but I was thrilled to say the least and could hardly sit still for the next few hours as I waited for her to arrive. Now I haven't seen Lilian Grieshaber/Topper since we both left school 47 years ago! So catching up would take more than an hour or two .. in fact plans are afoot for us to meet next week. I cannot say that it was like yesterday because to be truthful we have both aged very slightly. Lilian's plaited blonde hair has long since been snipped .... and I might just be sporting a few extra wrinkles since then. I was 16 when I finished school .... definitely a few extra wrinkles and a lot more rolly poly stuff has accumulated since we last said goodbye. But I can now enjoy the visits and Barry can sit back and relax as he doesn't have to listen to my endless yarns of 'remember when?'

Where have I been for the last few weeks? Well for one of them I was in Samoa enjoying a mid winter break. We swam in warm seas, wandered local markets and basically enjoyed a fantastic holiday. On the final night of the trip we all went off to watch an amazing show of hula and fire dancers extraordinaire. The grandkids could barely contain their excitement as the dancers swirled flaming swords around them .. in fact Omani (8year old) jumped up off his chair and had to be restrained as he wanted to join the excitement on the stage. After the show the dancers invited us all on stage for a photo shoot ... all four grandkids were dashing onto the stage in seconds ... and the rest of us followed more sedately. I stood behind the kids and thought that Barry was next to me. Now, he is not a public display of affection type of man, so when I felt an arm being put across my shoulders I thought that my husband must be feeling the holiday vibe ... and I leaned in to give him a hug....... BUT suddenly my nose told me that this guy smelt like kerosene and had no shirt on....definitely not my husband! Yes folks, he was one of the fire dancers! My arm was half way around him and I just froze ... should I embrace the whole experience .. including the dancer or should I just stand there like a numbnut? Yes I chose the numbnut option! My husband? No he was not on the stage .. as I say he does not enjoy the limelight, so while the rest of us were happily cuddling up to almost naked dancers Barry was at the table watching from afar. We had the most amazing week in Samoa and I can definitely say it was a fun experience that I would love to do again. And maybe next time I will take the embracing of the experience option .. or maybe not?

We got home to an icy cold front moving up from the Antarctic that had us shivering under duvets and embracing the new gorilla slippers that Morne had dropped off for me. I looked at the bright materials I had brought from Samoa .. and the pattern for a pretty summer dress and thought I must be crazy to even think of making something that offered so little protection from the elements. Maybe I will wait until the weather warms before starting sewing the dresses .. it just seem sacriligeous to think of steamy summer days while I am wearing 3 jerseys and a pair of gorilla slippers with my winter woolies. Sadly I can no longer wear socks as I come out in a horrible rash ... seriously! My Dad passed on his sock allergy via the DNA .. in fact I have various DNA related issues .. like skin that is paper thin and requires me to eat Vitamin C fruits and veges in large numbers ... luckily I love mandarins! Just gotta love that DNA ... I look like my Mother, paint like my Father and have a nice smattering of health issues from both of them. Sorry to my kids who will no doubt inherit my and Barry's health problems!

Anyhow folks, we are safe and warm, happily home from our travels and enjoying some nostalgic visits with friends. Life is good.

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