Murderous fairies
I have no idea if my parents or grandmother read us stories about fairies. And I have no idea why they inhabited my life as a little...

Memorable moments
What do the medical people put into these antiviral tablets? Bitter aloe? with a touch of really bitter aloe? I cannot get the taste out...

Some days are diamonds, some days are hot black stones
It is cold and wet here in New Zealand and I am craving a warm swim in a temperate pool, or even a bubbing hot pool would be good....

Pinching giants and handsome trolls
Thanks to the amazing people who took me up on the offer of a free book. 73 of you. And I do hope you all enjoyed my ramblings. My eldest...

Silver tongued, silver haired and silver anniversary
Good day dear friends, 27 years ago we landed on these fair shores. Far from the home of my youth where every second person in town was...

Donuts and Dodos
I have been illustrating a children's book and as usual, I try to do my homework and research things as diverse as flora and fauna,...

Nude cats and 9th cousins
In the past few weeks six of my friends have died. It has been a tough start to the year. Some of the deaths were expected, but not all....

Dancing on knots of dust
The Khoisan people of Southern Africa perform an ancient dance called the Riel Dans. They often wear red leather shoes and strange hats...

Kapok Atishoo et al
Tis the season to sneeze for me. The Kapok trees are in full hay fever mode spreading their fluffy joy around our area. Yes, I know the...

Poppies for the soldiers
It has been exactly three years since I had my hysterectomy and cancer treatment. Each year I get an online health form to fill out to...