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Your sporting experiences

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

One standard outside of my curriculum area that I recommend to my students to do is a PE standard. It is about looking at your sporting experiences and developing strategies to be a life long habit of exercise.

The reason I recommend this one as it is so much like a recount. You look at your life and express in a meaningful way how past experiences impacted you now and most likely into the future.

Sadly many discount Physical Education as just sports but there is real value. You can check out this article about the psychology behind past experiences. Or this one.

As you can this standard is the perfect culmination of Storytelling (English) and Experiences/activity (Physical Education). You can't do the standard justice unless you have the story part down right. If you want to look at 3.1 on TKI check it out here.

This all made me think of Inside Out the movie. Especially since Mental Health week is next week.

Ted-talks has an in-depth lesson on Inside Out. This is well worth looking at.

I don't know if this is possible but this standard is about well-being and not just sporting experiences. If you wanted to you could do this standard but instead of looking at sporting experiences look at experiences that make you happy. Look at what contributes to your well-being. As the standard's real restriction is that what you look back on has to be a physical experience but it doesn't restrict what aspect of well-being you can look at.

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