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Tabletop RPG

Updated: Jun 27, 2019

Recently I took a group of students to Geysercon and the kids got hooked on a D&D type tabletop RPG. So that is where I'm going to start with the lesson this week. If you want to learn how to play this game you can check out the books here. My students decided on D&D because they have a lot of online resources. Including creating a character on D&D Beyond.

Before everyone starts they should sit down and decide what they want from the group and decide on some rules. For instance no killing your team mates, how to talk to each other. Plan when you will do the Campaign and maybe organise food and the like as that always makes it more fun. Someone should take minutes for this planning meeting. Trust me your teachers will thank you as this will make marking easier.

At this meeting you should pick a Dungeon Master. If you wish you could easily get speech credits for this task at level 1, level 2 or level 3. The DM should create a story line, create monsters for people to fight and treasure to find. They will also need to be confident of the rules or at the very least confident to make up the rules if they get stuck. Others participating can't do this standard as they aren't crafting their speech while the dungeon master will be putting in a lot of preparation to be able to think on the spot and change depending on the choices made by the characters.

If you are super keen you can make little figurines to represent your characters. You can design your own or try Thingyverse. There are a few technology standards at different levels that can be completed by making their own. I recommend 91055 and 91347 though there are probably more. Ask your friendly local tech teacher.

If you think some of your group might struggle with the focus needed to listen to the Dungeon Master to stay engaged then I recommend the standard 3501.

Then comes the fun part. Complete your Campaign.

If you want to take it further you can create a comic strip based on your antics or write a short story.


Teacher Notes

We use a lot of instant standards for this part as they create tasks that can apply to various circumstances.

Besides 3501 I recommend 9677, 11097 (the meeting and the Campaign are the two situations for this standard), 27563 and 9681 for the group (you can have simulated tasks and that is what this falls under). Use the minutes and the DM notes to help gather evidence and if you have a large group I suggest filming it or setting up a mic to pick up what the kids are saying. Otherwise keep the group to no bigger than six people.

Be ready to laugh yourself silly writing up the notes for the marking schedule. I had - how did you contribute to the achieving the task: I threw fireballs at the demon.


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