I didn't mind the Last Jedi. It was pretty and told a decent story with interesting characters. Good enough to watch again but nothing I was going to stay up late arguing with people online. I couldn't put my finger on why I couldn't get upset with the movie until I watched this video essay.
You could write a critical analysis just on this and how looking at the flipped gender roles in this film changes how you see it. I'm going to be watching this film again because this has really blown my mind.
Before you continue be aware that the rest of this lesson is about gender and gender expectations portrayed in the media. If you think this will be a difficult topic please make sure you have support from an adult who can help you through this lesson.
But let's take this further. Just how do gender roles in film influence us? There is a Level 3 health standard to go with this. Looking at gender and how we are influenced. Also looking at ways we can change this.
Staying in Starwars lets look at Harrison Ford.
Pop Culture Detective has several videos about romance in film. I'm a fan of Born Sexy Yesterday.
Still on Star Wars.
But let's look at Disney. Arguably the biggest influence on young children. I love Mulan so we'll start there.
Let's look a little at what happens when things go wrong.
On the other side, you have overly passive gender roles that can be just as toxic. But there are also aggressive toxic Feminity just so you don't think I'm ignoring both sides. Sydney has an interesting view. Even she agrees this is just her opinion but still interesting.
No matter what you think there is really is an effect on how we act.
You'll have to read the subtitles but really enlightening.
What would you do to help educate people on gender?
A disclaimer here. Gender is a massive issue and in this lesson, I've just touched the surface, looking at the two most common genders. If you want to explore further into other genders then I suggest these videos. I would suggest more but to be honest I wouldn't even know where to start. The community out there is large and inclusive.
No matter what be respectful of how you talk about gender and if you have any questions feel free to talk to an adult about this lesson.
91478 Level 3 English
91239 Level 2 Health