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Writing a book


Having a real world context for learning can be powerful. In this unit you will be going through the process that many authors do to become published, either indie or traditionally. You will also be able to gain credits and integrate your learning across a spectrum of the curriculum by completing standards from English, Media studies and Technology. You will be creating a platform for your author name and writing content for not only your book but also for a website.



Building your world

You can write poetry, short stories or a novel. Don’t be daunted. You can complete the standards in this programme with as little as five chapters of your novel. There is no genre that is not acceptable as there is an audience for everything though please be aware that your teacher will be marking the writing so you might want to keep in mind that they might blush if you decide to write erotica. So below you need to start defining what the project is that you will be starting. Start with off with some ideas and don’t start with your darling; that book you’ve always wanted to write, instead go with an idea that is cool but you won’t have to worry if you get it wrong. I recommend a visual arts diary where you can write notes as you go along. You do need to have the process recorded as that is part of the assessment that will be marked. In your diary you need to answer these questions

1. What genre is your Work In Progress (WIP)?

2. What length are you aiming for?

3. Define your audience: Who would like to read this kind of WIP?

4. What would you like the audience to feel by the end of reading your WIP?

5. How do you plan to create this feeling?

Look at your favourite genres and start to look at what you like about them. Make a list of tropes and ideas that appeal to you.


Here are some resources to help you with this stage:

Writer's and Artists

Writer's Digest


PlayBuzz Quiz

Creative Indie

Writing cooperative

TV Tropes

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