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The Dark Lands


If you liked the Witcher and the Walking Dead then you will love the Dead Lands.

You can read about it here or here.


And you can watch it here. FYI it has blood and guts.

I've always had a soft spot for myths and legends so this series is down my alley. New Zealand has some really unique stories that are worth finding out about. Like Here and Here.


The narrative structure to explain life and the mysteries of it all fascinates me. You see it all over the place. From myths like Hercules to parables in the bible to didactic literature of children's stories like the Lorax.


Crash Course has a series of videos about myths and legends. I recommend watching them all.

You can choose a myth from the past and use that for a religious studies standard and there are a couple of standards that would be appropriate in regards to myths.


But I like the narrative structure to understand an idea. Some scientific things can seem alien to people that don't understand them. These stories were meant to help people gain an understanding of principles through a story.


Try writing a story that will help people understand something that is scientific in nature. It should have a hero who is the Point of View character who should interact with this scientific concept.


Here are some resources to help you.

Using narratives

Explaining Science


Some ideas of scientific ideas that can be turned into stories.

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