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Start a business

Step one of creating a business is to have a plan. I highly recommend that you keep all your planning in one place and keep your time organised as well. 

Before you dive into whatever business you want to do you should look at the Golden Circle.

Your why, how and what should help you then develop your mission statement and your values as a company.


For everything else, you will need in a business plan check out this website.

You will need to create plans for workflow and your organisational structure.

You need to create a SWOT of your business.

Make sure you have clear communication channels. Be clear about how you will talk with your stakeholders, customers, suppliers and mentors.

Devise a financial plan. Identify possible sources of finance and create a budget. If you have access to excel then that is great to set up a budget in the meantime. There are specific software for companies but excel will work in the meantime.

Figure out your break-even point.

How will you train your staff and set expectations for everyone in the workplace? This involves writing a code of conduct.

Use of Maori business concepts.

Then to tie it all up with a bow you will need to do a business pitch.

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